This info graphic has shapes in it which relates to beams of light, I am imaging that this image is turned 90 clockwise and the coloured lights are shining up into the floor... each beam is representing an individual and the writing is the name of that individual. Everywhere that the individual walks, the light follows.
I can imagine this infographic being represented as a floor space where the denser coloured areas are brighter due to the fact that there are more people standing in the area. The different images and colours could represent the types of people standing in that area or for how long the people have been in that area. This could be a useful analysis to determine efficient circulation for a large room that has a lot of people ocming and going... the people in the middle and out to the sides might be finding it difficult to get to the exit areas hence the reason for the centre to be so packed.
The 4x infographics above are chosen purely for aesthetics. This kind of imagery would be great for the kinds of lights that could be used or even for the effect that the lit floor tile effect. It has also given me ideas how I could represent HUD messages. To get HUD messages to display using lights or holographoc kind of materials could really benefit this experiment... something to go and research now....
This is a great video that Ros showed me which demonstrates how data is being represented digitally.
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