Monday, 10 October 2011

Review of Infographics

I discussed my concept which has evolved form my infographics today with Jules. 
My idea has come mainly from the infographic title "The HBO Recycling Program". If you could imagine the image turned 90 degrees clockwise, the coloured circles represent the lights under the floor which correspond to the people that enter the room. The more people that enter the room, the more of the lights turn on. The different colours could represent the persons emotions/ mood for example.
I would also like to make the actual person invisible and replace them with their actual name in text, so this infographic is a direct representation of what my analytics engine would look like. Jules suggested that I could turn the AI invisible by making it have no mesh. I could then attach an object which is the text so that the text is walking around. Ideally I would like to look into HUD messages and see if there is anything that I could use that way.
After reading more about Margarets concept on the ARCH1391 blog I have realised that she is trying to connect the light in the room with sociability. The light is meant to disperse after a certain amount of time to encourage people to move about and become more sociable. From this I have thought about making the text that replaces the AI to display more information about the person the longer that they are in the room, ie. the longer the AI is in the room, the more about them you get to know. It would be a play on facebook, where the more time you spend on someones page, the more information you start to gather about them.

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